CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 19
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 19 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-02].iso
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969 lines
+ LEDA 3.1c
+ graph2.h
+ Copyright (c) 1994 by Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
+ Im Stadtwald, 6600 Saarbruecken, FRG
+ All rights reserved.
#ifndef LEDA_GRAPH1_H
#define LEDA_GRAPH1_H
// directed graphs
#include <LEDA/basic.h>
#include <LEDA/list.h>
#include <LEDA/impl/olist.h>
class node_struct;
typedef node_struct* node;
class edge_struct;
typedef edge_struct* edge;
class node_link_struct : public obj_link {};
typedef node_link_struct* node_link;
class edge_link_struct : public obj_link {};
typedef edge_link_struct* edge_link;
class aux_link_struct : public obj_link {};
typedef aux_link_struct* aux_link;
typedef int (*cmp_graph_node) (node&, node&);
typedef int (*cmp_graph_edge) (edge&, edge&);
// class node_struct: internal representation of nodes
class node_struct : public aux_link_struct,
public node_link_struct
friend class graph;
friend class ugraph;
friend class planar_map;
friend class node_data;
friend class node_stack;
friend class node_queue;
friend class node_list;
friend class node_pq;
friend class node_bucket_pq;
graph* g; // pointer to graph of node
int name; // internal name (index)
obj_list adj_edges; // lists of adjacent edges
int indegree;
GenPtr data[3]; // data[0] used by GRAPH
// data[1] in node_stack, node_queue, node_pq, etc.
// data[2] used by node_data
node_struct(GenPtr i=0) { data[0] = i; name = -1; g = 0; indegree=0; }
FRIEND_INLINE graph* graph_of(node);
FRIEND_INLINE graph* graph_of(edge);
FRIEND_INLINE int indeg(node);
FRIEND_INLINE int outdeg(node);
FRIEND_INLINE int degree(node);
FRIEND_INLINE int index(node);
FRIEND_INLINE edge First_Adj_Edge(node);
FRIEND_INLINE edge Last_Adj_Edge(node);
FRIEND_INLINE void start_adj_iteration(node);
FRIEND_INLINE void move_to_adj_succ(node);
FRIEND_INLINE bool read_adj_node(node&,node);
FRIEND_INLINE bool read_adj_edge(edge&,node);
friend void init_node_data1(const graph&,GenPtr);
friend void init_node_data2(const graph&,GenPtr);
// class edge_struct: internal representation of edges
class adj_link_struct1 : public obj_link
friend class graph;
friend class ugraph;
friend class planar_map;
int name; // internal name (index)
node s; // source node
node t; // target node
adj_link_struct1() { name = -1; }
typedef adj_link_struct1* adj_link1;
class edge_struct : public adj_link_struct1,
public edge_link_struct
friend class graph;
friend class ugraph;
friend class planar_map;
friend class edge_data;
edge rev; // reverse edge (for ugraph/planar_map)
GenPtr data[1]; // space for data data[0] used by GRAPH!)
// data[1] by edge_data
edge_struct(node v, node w, GenPtr i=0)
{ data[0] = i;
name = -1;
s = v;
t = w;
rev = nil;
FRIEND_INLINE graph* graph_of(edge);
FRIEND_INLINE node source(edge);
FRIEND_INLINE node target(edge);
FRIEND_INLINE int index(edge);
FRIEND_INLINE bool read_adj_node(node&,node);
FRIEND_INLINE void init_edge_data(const graph&,int,GenPtr);
inline int outdeg(node v) { return v->adj_edges.length(); }
inline int indeg(node v) { return v->indegree; }
inline int degree(node v) { return outdeg(v); }
inline int index(node v) { return v->name; }
inline graph* graph_of(node v) { return v->g; }
inline graph* graph_of(edge e) { return e->s->g; }
inline node source(edge e) { return e->s; }
inline node target(edge e) { return e->t; }
inline int index(edge e) { return e->name; }
inline edge First_Adj_Edge(node v)
{ return edge(adj_link1(v->adj_edges.first())); }
inline edge Last_Adj_Edge(node v)
{ return edge(adj_link1(v->adj_edges.last())); }
inline edge Succ_Adj_Edge(edge e)
{ return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->succ_item()));}
inline edge Pred_Adj_Edge(edge e)
{ return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->pred_item()));}
inline void start_adj_iteration(node v) { v->adj_edges.start_iteration(); }
inline void move_to_adj_succ(node v) { v->adj_edges.move_to_succ(); }
inline bool read_adj_edge(edge& e, node v)
{ obj_link* p = v->adj_edges.read_iterator();
if (p) { e = edge(adj_link1(p)); return true; }
else return false;
inline bool read_adj_node(node& u, node v)
{ obj_link* p = v->adj_edges.read_iterator();
if (p) { u = edge(adj_link1(p))->t; return true; }
else return false;
// graph_array<node/edge>
// base class for node and edge arrays
template <class itype>
class _CLASSTYPE graph_array {
graph* g; // array is declared for graph *g
int mx_i; // maximal node index in g at time of creation
GenPtr* arr;
virtual void clear_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
virtual void copy_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
virtual int cmp_entry(itype,itype) const { return 0; }
GenPtr& entry(itype x)
{ if (g != graph_of(x) || index(x) > mx_i)
error_handler(102,"(node/edge)_array[x]: not defined for x");
return arr[index(x)];
GenPtr inf(itype x) const
{ if (g != graph_of(x) || index(x) > mx_i)
error_handler(102,"(node/edge)_array[x]: not defined for x");
return arr[index(x)];
GenPtr& entry(int i) { return arr[i]; }
void init(const graph&, int, GenPtr);
void init(const graph_array<itype>&);
void clear();
int size() const { return mx_i+1;}
graph_array() { g = 0; mx_i = -1; arr = 0;}
virtual ~graph_array() { clear(); }
// graph: base class for all graphs
class graph {
friend class ugraph;
friend class planar_map;
friend class graph_array<node>;
friend class graph_array<edge>;
//list<node> V; /* list of all nodes */
obj_list V;
//list<edge> E; /* list of all edges */
obj_list E;
int max_n_index; // maximal node index
int max_e_index; // maximal edge index
bool undirected; // true iff graph undirected
/* space: 2 lists + 4 words + "virtual" = 2*20 + 5*4 bytes = 60 bytes */
virtual void init_node_entry(GenPtr& x) { x=0; }
virtual void init_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) { x=0; }
virtual void copy_node_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
virtual void copy_edge_entry(GenPtr&) const {}
virtual void clear_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=0; }
virtual void clear_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=0; }
virtual void read_node_entry(istream& in, GenPtr& x) { Read(x,in); }
virtual void read_edge_entry(istream& in, GenPtr& x) { Read(x,in); }
virtual void write_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const { Print(x,o); }
virtual void write_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const { Print(x,o); }
virtual void print_node_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
virtual void print_edge_entry(ostream&, GenPtr&) const {}
virtual char* node_type() const { return "void"; }
virtual char* edge_type() const { return "void"; }
graph* parent; // for subgraphs
void copy_all_entries() const;
void clear_all_entries() const;
virtual int cmp_node_entry(node, node) const { return 0; }
virtual int cmp_edge_entry(edge, edge) const { return 0; }
int space() const;
void reset() const;
int indeg(node v) const;
int outdeg(node v) const;
int degree(node v) const;
node source(edge e) const;
node target(edge e) const;
graph* super() const;
int max_i(node) const;
int max_i(edge) const;
int max_node_index() const;
int max_edge_index() const;
int number_of_nodes() const;
int number_of_edges() const;
list<edge> all_edges() const;
list<node> all_nodes() const;
list<edge> adj_edges(node) const;
list<node> adj_nodes(node) const;
GenPtr& entry(node v);
GenPtr& entry(edge e);
GenPtr inf(node v) const;
GenPtr inf(edge e) const;
int int_inf(edge e) { return int(e->data[0]); }
edge first_adj_edge(node v) const;
//edge first_in_edge(node v) const;
edge last_adj_edge(node v) const;
//edge last_in_edge(node v) const;
void init_adj_iterator(node v) const;
edge next_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const;
bool current_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const;
bool next_adj_node(node& w,node v) const;
bool current_adj_node(node& w,node v) const;
void init_node_iterator() const {}
void init_edge_iterator() const {}
node first_node() const;
edge first_edge() const;
node last_node() const;
edge last_edge() const;
node choose_node() const;
edge choose_edge() const;
node succ_node(node v) const;
node pred_node(node v) const;
edge succ_edge(edge e) const;
edge pred_edge(edge e) const;
edge adj_succ(edge e) const;
edge adj_pred(edge e) const;
edge cyclic_adj_succ(edge e) const;
edge cyclic_adj_pred(edge e) const;
node new_node(GenPtr);
edge new_edge(node, node, GenPtr);
edge new_edge(edge, node, GenPtr, int dir);
void assign(node v,GenPtr x);
void assign(edge e,GenPtr x);
node new_node() { GenPtr x; init_node_entry(x);
return new_node(x); }
edge new_edge(node v, node w)
{ GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
return new_edge(v,w,x);}
edge new_edge(edge e, node w, int dir=0)
{ GenPtr x; init_edge_entry(x);
return new_edge(e,w,x,dir); }
void del_node(node);
void del_edge(edge);
void del_all_nodes();
void del_all_edges();
list<edge> insert_reverse_edges();
void sort_nodes(cmp_graph_node);
void sort_edges(cmp_graph_edge);
void sort_nodes(const graph_array<node>&);
void sort_edges(const graph_array<edge>&);
void sort_edges();
void sort_nodes();
edge rev_edge(edge);
graph& rev();
void make_directed();
void make_undirected();
void write(ostream& = cout) const;
void write(string) const;
int read(istream& = cin);
int read(string);
void print_node(node,ostream& = cout) const;
virtual void print_edge(edge,ostream& = cout) const; //different for ugraph's
void print(string s, ostream& = cout) const;
void print() const { print(""); }
void print(ostream& o) const { print("",o); }
void clear();
graph(const graph&);
graph& operator=(const graph&);
virtual ~graph(){ clear(); }
//subgraph constructors
graph(graph&, const list<node>&, const list<edge>&);
graph(graph&, const list<edge>&);
inline int graph::outdeg(node v) const { return v->adj_edges.length(); }
inline int graph::indeg(node v) const { return v->indegree; }
inline int graph::degree(node v) const { return outdeg(v); }
inline node graph::source(edge e) const { return e->s; }
inline node graph::target(edge e) const { return e->t; }
inline graph* graph::super() const { return parent; }
inline int graph::max_i(node) const { return max_n_index; }
inline int graph::max_i(edge) const { return max_e_index; }
inline int graph::max_node_index() const { return max_n_index; }
inline int graph::max_edge_index() const { return max_e_index; }
inline int graph::number_of_nodes() const { return V.length(); }
inline int graph::number_of_edges() const { return E.length(); }
inline GenPtr& graph::entry(node v) { return v->data[0]; }
inline GenPtr& graph::entry(edge e) { return e->data[0]; }
inline void graph::assign(node v,GenPtr x) { v->data[0] = x; }
inline void graph::assign(edge e,GenPtr x) { e->data[0] = x; }
inline GenPtr graph::inf(node v) const { return v->data[0]; }
inline GenPtr graph::inf(edge e) const { return e->data[0]; }
inline edge graph::first_adj_edge(node v) const
{ return edge(adj_link1(v->adj_edges.first())); }
inline edge graph::last_adj_edge(node v) const
{ return edge(adj_link1(v->adj_edges.last())); }
inline void graph::init_adj_iterator(node v) const
{ v->adj_edges.set_iterator(nil); }
inline bool graph::current_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const
{ return (e = edge(adj_link1(v->adj_edges.read_iterator()))) != nil;}
inline edge graph::next_adj_edge(edge& e,node v) const
{ obj_link* it = v->adj_edges.read_iterator();
obj_link* p = it ? v->adj_edges.move_to_succ()
: v->adj_edges.start_iteration();
return e = edge(adj_link1(p));
inline bool graph::next_adj_node(node& w,node v) const
{ edge e;
if (next_adj_edge(e,v))
{ //w = (v==e->s) ? e->t : e->s; // ugraph
w = e->t;
return true;
else return false;
inline bool graph::current_adj_node(node& w,node v) const
{ edge e;
if (current_adj_edge(e,v))
{ //w = (v==e->s) ? e->t : e->s; // ugraph
w = e->t;
return true;
else return false;
inline node graph::first_node() const { return node(node_link(V.first())); }
inline node graph::last_node() const { return node(node_link(V.last())); }
inline node graph::choose_node() const { return first_node(); }
inline edge graph::first_edge() const { return edge(edge_link(E.first())); }
inline edge graph::last_edge() const { return edge(edge_link(E.last())); }
inline edge graph::choose_edge() const { return first_edge(); }
inline node graph::succ_node(node v) const
{ return node(node_link(V.succ(node_link(v)))); }
inline node graph::pred_node(node v) const
{ return node(node_link(E.pred(node_link(v)))); }
inline edge graph::succ_edge(edge e) const
{ return edge(edge_link(E.succ(edge_link(e)))); }
inline edge graph::pred_edge(edge e) const
{ return edge(edge_link(E.pred(edge_link(e)))); }
inline edge graph::adj_succ(edge e) const
{ return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->succ_item())); }
inline edge graph::adj_pred(edge e) const
{ return edge(adj_link1(adj_link1(e)->pred_item())); }
inline edge graph::cyclic_adj_succ(edge e) const
{ return (e = adj_succ(e)) ? e : first_adj_edge(e->s); }
inline edge graph::cyclic_adj_pred(edge e) const
{ return (e = adj_pred(e)) ? e : last_adj_edge(e->s); }
// Iteration (macros)
#define forall_nodes(v,g) for (v=(g).first_node(); v; v=(g).succ_node(v) )
#define forall_edges(e,g) for (e=(g).first_edge(); e; e=(g).succ_edge(e) )
#define Forall_nodes(v,g) for (v=(g).last_node(); v; v=(g).pred_node(v) )
#define Forall_edges(e,g) for (e=(g).last_edge(); e; e=(g).pred_edge(e) )
#define forall_adj_edges(e,v) for(e = First_Adj_Edge(v);e;e = Succ_Adj_Edge(e))
#define forall_out_edges(e,v) forall_adj_edges(e,v)
#define forall_in_edges(e,v) while(false)
#define forall_adj_nodes(u,v)\
for(start_adj_iteration(v); read_adj_node(u,v); move_to_adj_succ(v))
// GRAPH<vtype,etype> : parameterized directed graphs
template<class vtype, class etype>
class _CLASSTYPE GRAPH : public graph {
vtype X;
etype Y;
void copy_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=Copy(ACCESS(vtype,x)); }
void copy_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=Copy(ACCESS(etype,x)); }
void clear_node_entry(GenPtr& x) const { Clear(ACCESS(vtype,x)); }
void clear_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) const { Clear(ACCESS(etype,x)); }
void write_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const {Print(ACCESS(vtype,x),o);}
void write_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const {Print(ACCESS(etype,x),o);}
void read_node_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { Read(X,i); x=Copy(X); }
void read_edge_entry(istream& i, GenPtr& x) { Read(Y,i); x=Copy(Y); }
void init_node_entry(GenPtr& x) { Init(X); x = Copy(X); }
void init_edge_entry(GenPtr& x) { Init(Y); x = Copy(Y); }
void print_node_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
{ o << "("; Print(ACCESS(vtype,x),o); o << ")"; }
void print_edge_entry(ostream& o, GenPtr& x) const
{ o << "("; Print(ACCESS(etype,x),o); o << ")"; }
char* node_type() const { return TYPE_NAME(vtype); }
char* edge_type() const { return TYPE_NAME(etype); }
int cmp_node_entry(node x, node y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
int cmp_edge_entry(edge x, edge y) const { return compare(inf(x),inf(y)); }
vtype inf(node v) const { return ACCESS(vtype,graph::inf(v)); }
etype inf(edge e) const { return ACCESS(etype,graph::inf(e)); }
vtype& operator[] (node v) { return ACCESS(vtype,entry(v)); }
etype& operator[] (edge e) { return ACCESS(etype,entry(e)); }
vtype operator[] (node v) const { return ACCESS(vtype,graph::inf(v)); }
etype operator[] (edge e) const { return ACCESS(etype,graph::inf(e)); }
void assign(node v,vtype x) { operator[](v) = x; }
void assign(edge e,etype x) { operator[](e) = x; }
node new_node() { return graph::new_node(); }
node new_node(vtype a) { return graph::new_node(Copy(a)); }
edge new_edge(node v, node w) { return graph::new_edge(v,w); }
edge new_edge(node v, node w, etype a)
{ return graph::new_edge(v,w,Copy(a)); }
edge new_edge(edge e, node w) { return graph::new_edge(e,w); }
edge new_edge(edge e, node w, etype a)
{ return graph::new_edge(e,w,Copy(a),0); }
edge new_edge(edge e, node w, etype a, int dir)
{ return graph::new_edge(e,w,Copy(a),dir); }
void clear() { clear_all_entries(); graph::clear(); }
GRAPH<vtype,etype>& operator=(const GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a)
{ clear_all_entries();graph::operator=(a);copy_all_entries();return *this; }
GRAPH() {}
GRAPH(const GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a) : graph(a) { a.copy_all_entries(); }
/* subgraphs */
GRAPH(GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a, const list<node>& b, const list<edge>& c)
: graph(a,b,c) {}
GRAPH(GRAPH<vtype,etype>& a, const list<edge>& c) : graph(a,c) {}
virtual ~GRAPH() { if (parent==0) clear_all_entries(); }
// node_list
class node_list : public c_obj_list
node iterator;
static void del_node(node v) { aux_link(v)->del_item(); }
void append(node v) { c_obj_list::append(aux_link(v)); }
void push(node v) { c_obj_list::push(aux_link(v)); }
void insert(node v, node w)
{ c_obj_list::insert(aux_link(v),aux_link(w)); }
node pop() { return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::pop())); }
void del(node v) { c_obj_list::del(aux_link(v)); }
bool member(node v) const { return aux_link(v)->succ_link != nil; }
bool operator()(node v) const { return member(v); }
node first()const { return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::first())); }
node last() const { return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::last())); }
node head() const { return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::first())); }
node tail() const { return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::last())); }
node succ(node v) const
{ return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::succ(aux_link(v)))); }
node pred(node v) const
{ return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::pred(aux_link(v)))); }
node cyclic_succ(node v) const
{ return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::cyclic_succ(aux_link(v)))); }
node cyclic_pred(node v) const
{ return node(aux_link(c_obj_list::cyclic_pred(aux_link(v)))); }
void start_iteration() const { (*(node*)&iterator)=first(); }
void move_to_succ() const { (*(node*)&iterator) = succ(iterator);}
bool read_iterator(node& x) const { x = iterator; return x ? true : false; }
// node_stack
class node_stack {
node head;
node_stack() { head = nil; }
void push(node v) { v->data[1] = head; head = v; }
node pop() { node v = head; head = node(v->data[1]); return v; }
bool empty() { return (head==nil) ? true : false; }
void clear() { head = nil; }
// node_queue
class node_queue {
node head;
node tail;
node_queue() { head = nil; }
void append(node v)
{ v->data[1] = nil;
if (head == nil)
head = v;
tail->data[1] = v;
tail = v;
node pop() { node v = head; head = node(v->data[1]); return v; }
bool empty() { return (head==nil) ? true : false; }
void clear() { head = nil; }
// node_data
template <class T> class node_data {
T& operator[](node v) { return (T&)v->data[2]; }
node_data(const graph& G, T x) { init_node_data2(G,GenPtr(x)); }
class int_node_data {
int& operator[](node v) { return (int&)v->data[2]; }
int operator()(node v) { return (int)v->data[2]; }
int get(node v) { return (int)v->data[2]; }
void set(node v,int i) { v->data[2] = GenPtr(i); }
int_node_data(const graph& G, int x) { init_node_data2(G,GenPtr(x)); }
// edge_data
template <class T> class edge_data {
T& operator[](edge e) { return (T&)e->data[1]; }
edge_data(const graph& G, T x) { init_edge_data(G,1,GenPtr(x)); }
// node and edge arrays
#if defined(LEDA_CHECKING_OFF)
#define GRAPH_ARRAY_ACCESS(I,type)\
type& operator[](I x) { return ACCESS(type,arr[index(x)]); }\
type operator[](I x) const { return ACCESS(type,arr[index(x)]); }
#define GRAPH_ARRAY_ACCESS(I,type)\
type& operator[](I x) { return ACCESS(type,entry(x));}\
type operator[](I x) const { return ACCESS(type,inf(x));}
// node arrays
template<class type>
class _CLASSTYPE node_array : public graph_array<node> {
type X;
void copy_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=Copy(ACCESS(type,x));}
void clear_entry(GenPtr& x)const { Clear(ACCESS(type,x)); }
int cmp_entry(node x,node y) const
{ return compare(ACCESS(type,arr[index(x)]),ACCESS(type,arr[index(y)])); }
type& elem(int i) { return ACCESS(type,arr[i]);}
type elem(int i) const { return ACCESS(type,arr[i]);}
void init(const graph& G, int n, type i) { graph_array<node>::init(G,n,Convert(i)); }
void init(const graph& G, type i) { init(G,G.max_i(node(0))+1,i); }
void init(const graph& G) { Init(X); init(G,X); }
void init(const node_array& A) { graph_array<node>::init(A); }
node_array() {}
node_array(const graph& G) { init(G); }
node_array(const graph& G, int n, type i) { init(G,n,i); }
node_array(const graph& G, type i) { init(G,i); }
node_array(const node_array& A) { init(A); }
node_array& operator=(const node_array& A) { init(A); return *this;}
~node_array() { graph_array<node>::clear(); }
// edge arrays
template<class type>
class _CLASSTYPE edge_array : public graph_array<edge> {
type X;
void copy_entry(GenPtr& x) const { x=Copy(ACCESS(type,x));}
void clear_entry(GenPtr& x)const { Clear(ACCESS(type,x)); }
int cmp_entry(edge x,edge y) const
{ return compare(ACCESS(type,arr[index(x)]),ACCESS(type,arr[index(y)])); }
type& elem(int i) { return ACCESS(type,arr[i]);}
type elem(int i) const { return ACCESS(type,arr[i]);}
void init(const graph& G, int n, type i) { graph_array<edge>::init(G,n,Convert(i)); }
void init(const graph& G, type i) { init(G,G.max_i(edge(0))+1,i); }
void init(const graph& G) { Init(X); init(G,X); }
void init(const edge_array& A) { graph_array<edge>::init(A); }
edge_array() {}
edge_array(const graph& G) { init(G); }
edge_array(const graph& G, int n, type i) { init(G,n,i); }
edge_array(const graph& G, type i) { init(G,i); }
edge_array(const edge_array& A) { init(A); }
edge_array& operator=(const edge_array& A) { init(A); return *this;}
~edge_array() { graph_array<edge>::clear(); }
// graph generators
extern void complete_graph(graph&,int);
extern void random_graph(graph&,int,int);
extern void test_graph(graph&);
extern void complete_bigraph(graph&,int,int,list<node>&,list<node>&);
extern void random_bigraph(graph&,int,int,int,list<node>&,list<node>&);
extern void test_bigraph(graph&,list<node>&,list<node>&);
extern void random_planar_graph(graph&,node_array<double>& xcoord,
node_array<double>& ycoord, int n);
extern void random_planar_graph(graph&,int);
extern void grid_graph(graph&,node_array<double>& xcoord,
node_array<double>& ycoord, int n);
extern void grid_graph(graph&,int);
extern void cmdline_graph(graph&,int,char**);
// miscellaneous (should be members or constructors)
extern bool Is_Bidirected(const graph&, edge_array<edge>&);
extern bool Is_Simple(graph& G);
extern void Make_Simple(graph& G);
// for historical reasons:
inline bool compute_correspondence(const graph& G, edge_array<edge>& rev)
{ return Is_Bidirected(G,rev); }
inline void eliminate_parallel_edges(graph& G)
{ Make_Simple(G); }